Marie Forleo


In August 2014, the hottest and stickiest month of the year, Erin Bagwell was in a pressure cooker all her own.

She was raising money for her Kickstarter campaign to fund Dream, Girl and was working seven days a week to get the money together to make it a success. In three weeks, she had raised $38K but still needed about $20K to reach her goal - and the time was almost up.

To promote this film and share her dream, Erin did press - big, little, national, local, TV, online - it didn’t matter. Her only goal was to spread the word. However, she started to notice that it didn’t matter how many followers, listeners or viewers a platform had, it mattered how *engaged* these followers were.

It became readily apparent that the audience that was willing to take action weren’t faceless companies but rather, were led by a single person; an influencer - someone who had spent years creating and cultivating a tribe who would be motivated by the content they promoted and shared.

So that’s who Erin reached out to-  over 100 influencers with an engaged audience, a platform and a following.


And the one that emailed Erin back wasn’t just an influencer, she was a mogul. Her name was Marie Forleo.

If you don’t know Marie, it’s time to get acquainted. She is the creator of MarieTV, a YouTube series with nearly 350,000 subscribers. She also founded B-School, her digital business course aimed at helping you “a business and life you love.” She is also extremely passionate about empowering women globally through investment, education, and media.

After jumping on a call, Marie and Erin felt instantly connected. Erin felt a cosmic swell that Marie was going to be an amazing voice for the film

The next day, Marie shared our Kickstarter to the 200K people on her newsletter list and a matter of hours later, we raised over $100K to start production on Dream, Girl.

“From the moment I saw that video, I knew I wanted to be involved and lend whatever support I could to make sure this powerful project would be brought to life,” Marie said.

Fast forward to May 2017, just weeks shy of the one-year anniversary of Dream, Girl’slaunch, Marie decided to do something special for her B-Schoolers. As a special bonus at the end of their semester, Marie sent the film out to her students, once again amplifying our message within her incredible community.


“Dream, Girl is a powerful documentary I’m proud to be a part of,” Marie said.

We’re grateful to have such an incredible leader in our community who truly embodies the power of women supporting other women.

Erin Bagwell